MRB™ Disco Integrale per Alta Pressione

CSI Disco di Rottura a Compressione “a prova d’errore”
  • Descrizione / Caratteristiche del Prodotto
  • Catalogo / Installazione

Descrizione / Caratteristiche del Prodotto

The MRB™ high pressure integral reverse buckling rupture disks is a one-piece leak tight design ideal for high pressure applications. Sizes range from 9mm and up with pressure ranges up to 4826 bar.

  • Sizes from 1/4" (6 mm) and up
  • Pressure ratings available up to 70,000 psig (4,800 barg)
  • Opens full bore with no flow restrictions
  • Design assures long service life with a very high resistance to fatigue
  • Operates up to 90% of disk pressure rating
  • Benefits
  • Accurate and reliable burst ratings
  • Superior performance in cycling service
  • Withstands full vacuum
  • Standard and custom holder designs are available
  • Non-torque sensitive



MRB™ Machined Reverse Buckling Rupture Disks
Threaded Rupture Disk Assemblies
Custom Engineered Products
Burst Alert Sensors
Detec Saf Alarm System - Burst Disk Monitor

Assemblaggi Standard

Sta-Kul™ con Corpo in Ottone

Accoppiamento TorqueFit

Cartuccia Saldata

Assemblaggio Saldato

Assemblaggio Filettato

Soluzione dell’applicazione